Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Grateful for 2019 and Excited for 2020

The year 2020 is almost upon us. Onward to a new decade. On this last day of 2019, I looked back to the year that was and made a checklist of my accomplishments, risks and opportunities, and my goals for the coming year. These reflections had grounded me and put into perspective the year that was. If I have to describe my 2019 in three words, it would be: Blessings, resilience, and inspiration.

I feel an overwhelming gratitude for the inner peace of having lived a full life, with no regrets and with thankfulness for all the good things in my life. It was not a dull year for sure, there were a few challenges along the way but they were nothing I have not survived before. I am more resilient than ever, mostly because I appreciate the little things that matter the most. There were more gifts than I deserve.


For being a member of the Church of Christ.
For the gift of life. For spiritual blessings. I am thankful for the exponential growth of the church and I stand proud of its accomplishments amidst the apathy of non-believers. As I deeply meditate, I am humbled for the Almighty God’s spiritual guidance. When you feel God’s presence in your life, nothing else matters.

“O, my Father, I now deeply meditate
On the blessings You give day to day
Truly, you have never failed to care for me.
And You provide my every need.”

For my family.
I am grateful for the chance to see my family again in the Philippines. With my son Jordan and sister Bheng, we had a grand reunion that saw relatives coming from near and far. When the elders in the family sat down for posterity photo, I was awed by the richness of their lives, not because of their material blessings but because of the influence and inspiration that they gave to the younger generation.

I am grateful to hug my mother again. All other things fade behind the complete joy of embracing my 88 year old mom. I hugged my mother close and often, to feel her fierce embrace and to smell her sweet scent; my remembrance until I see her again.

For my work.
There are many challenges in working in such a fast-paced and high-stressed environment but I am thankful for the staff that I have. Such hard-working nursing leaders who only want the best for their department and for the staff who continue to save and touch people’s lives every day.

I am proud to be an ED nurse, albeit not in the frontline role but still able to make a difference. ED nurses make a difference every day. We had a Great catch- One of the nurses thought that a pt who came s/p seizure from the street was an unreliable historian. The 61 y/o pt was disoriented. She looked the pt up in Crime Stoppers and saw that the pt was listed as missing since March. She called NYPD and pt was reunited with son.

Then, a patient came to say Thank You to the ED staff for another chance at life. The 51y/o patient came in on Dec. 25 with syncope then had Cardiac arrest in the ED. Pt was resuscitated and sent to Cath Lab then CCU. That pt was discharged today. He received a dual chamber internal cardiac defibrillator as secondary precaution. He and his family came down to the ED to thank the staff for saving his life. His wife was in tears as she thanked the nurses and doctors.

I am thankful…
For the opportunities that came my way; for being able to spread my wings even out of my comfort zone.
For the places that I have vacationed at; for the warm breeze and white sands, for ancient houses , and for that touching play about the heroes of my native land.
For the warm heart that forgives and understands.
For a mind that continues to be excited for knowledge beyond my horizon and for new skills to be conquered.
For the music and books that soothe my soul.
For friends who remained so despite my busy schedule. That's what friends are for, isn't it?
For the inspiration to become a better person. For gaining strength on the strength of others.
For paying it forward whenever and as often as I could.
For the chance to put words on paper; for finding a channel to fulfill my love of writing; my blogs.
For my son and my family. They will always be my reason for being.

I brought back the New Year’s resolutions that I had in 2014. I think that these are more relevant than the trite resolutions of diets and exercise that everybody else have.
1. Choose the people who whisper things in my ear. I choose to surround myself with friends who are trustworthy and with co-workers with no hidden agenda or crab mentality. I will treasure friends, near and far, who grace my life with their presence.
2. Look for things that inspire, and uplift. Life is too short to waste on inconsequential people. I will draw my strength from those who give positive energy and inspiration, despite all odds.
3. Go for it. Live life with great appreciation for the gift of living and be not afraid to explore where else life can take you.

Happy New Year to one and all !!!