Monday, October 18, 2010

Reflections on 9/11

September 11,2010. New York

Nine years ago, I stood on the platform of a Manhattan-bound E train to spend my birthday morning at the bookstore cafe in World Trade Center. Just as the train was pulling into the station, something inexplicable gripped me. I turned around, crossed to the west-bound platform to the train back to home, to safety. I was given the chance to hug my son again.

September 11, 2001 started as just an ordinary day; clear, blue skies on a mild summer day in the normal hustle and bustle of New York City. Just an ordinary day suddenly pushed into the annals of history as the day when the world stood still and New York City went dark.

I was spared, and it made me much more grateful for the gift of life from God and for the chance to spend it with family and friends. Thank you.

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