Friday, September 11, 2015

A 9/11 Birthday Thank-You

A birthday is a day spent in reflection and celebration for the blessings of the past year. But it takes a little bittersweet significance when that day happens to be 9/11. It has been fourteen years since that fateful day when the towers crashed.

September 11, 2001 started as just an ordinary day; clear, blue skies on a mild summer day in the normal hustle and bustle of New York City. Just an ordinary day suddenly pushed into the annals of history as the day when the world stood still and New York City went dark. Every year thereafter, Americans pause in somber remembrance for the countless people who lost their lives for a senseless tragedy.

In years to come, I still hope that the 9/11 reminiscences will always be treated with respect, dignity, and appreciation, not only for those we lost but also for those who continue to survive. We shall not forget.

So, I have kept quiet all these years, always feeling the reluctance to claim attention when everybody else mourns. In my middle age years, I do not need a boisterous celebration. I just do not want to apologize for having a 9/11 birthday, just like when a medical receptionist muttered an apology when I gave her my birthdate.

I am spending my 9/11 birthday with family. This is all I need. There is so much to be thankful for. My heart is full of grateful appreciation for the Facebook page filled with greetings and private messages. Life is good because I have Christ in my life. I have family and friends who keep me going through the years.

Fourteen years after a near-miss with tragedy, I am grateful for the chance to enjoy life as God sees fit for me, to pay it forward. There must be a good reason why I didn't board that E train on the way to a planned trip to the Twin Towers that day. I am thankful for all of you. God gave me you.

God gave me you to show me what's real
There's more to life than just how I feel
And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes
And all that I live for though I didn't know why
Now I do, 'cause God gave me you

2011 birthday post


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